Metropolitan celebrates four innovative, water-saving projects

Metropolitan celebrates four innovative, water-saving projects

Second annual One Water Awards spotlight Southern California leaders in conservation, 致力于寻找节水解决方案

Note to editors: event photos are available upon request. 视频 highlighting each award-winning project are available  在这里.


洛杉矶,加州. ——洛杉矶的四个南加州项目, Riverside 和 San Diego counties that showcase the latest in water efficiency 和 together will save more than 200 million gallons of water annually were recognized today by the Metropolitan Water District.

举行 食水日 也是加州水资源意识月的一部分, Metropolitan’s second annual One Water Awards ceremony at the California Endowment in downtown Los Angeles honored projects in Carson, Perris, El Cajon和Tarzana都是大都会投资的 节水奖励计划草皮更换计划. The projects feature major improvements to water management operations 和 equipment such as reusing condensation from air conditioning 和 heating systems, 循环利用灌溉径流, 转向可持续园林绿化, 安装更高效的灌溉系统.

“Extreme drought 和 climate change require us to think differently about how we use water,大都会董事会主席Adán Ortega说, Jr. “The water-saving projects developed by these four organizations are great examples of the actions that must be taken to adapt to our changing climate 和 store water for use when we need it.”

例如, more than 800 billion gallons of the water Metropolitan currently has in storage is due to the region’s investments in conservation, 奥尔特加说. 没有这些保守的供给, the district’s storage reserves would have reached critically low levels during severe droughts over the past decade, 他补充说.

“这些水是为下一次干旱准备的, 我们感谢这些创新者所做的贡献,奥尔特加说

加州州立大学,多明格斯山, which is served by West Basin Municipal Water District, received a One Water Award for its HVAC condensate recovery project. 由该大学的工程系学生构思, the project captures 和 reuses high-quality water from HVAC condensation at the Carson campus that was previously lost to sewer drains. The system uses a network of clear pipes 和 tanks to collect condensate from various campus buildings 和 redirects it for use in the school’s cooling towers, 节省约80,每年消耗1000加仑水. 该项目还作为一个教育实验室, attracting hundreds of visitors annually to learn about water stewardship.

大都会荣幸 奥特曼特种工厂, 哪一个由市政西区供水, for an innovative system at their nursery site that recycles 80% of their irrigation runoff. 与净水公司和加州大学戴维斯分校合作, the Perris grower uses vegetated wetl和s to treat the water 和 remove harmful chemicals, 美人蕉, barley hay 和 goldfish to create a sustainable ecosystem that further breaks down pollutants 和 generates high-quality water that can be reused for irrigation. The system is projected to save 180 million gallons annually.

a 64-home community in El Cajon that is served by the San Diego County Water Authority, was presented with a One Water Award for its work to replace 58,000 square feet of grass on its pathways 和 gathering spaces with more climate-appropriate plants, efficient irrigation 和 stormwater retention elements. Using funding from Metropolitan 和 SDCWA’s turf replacement programs, 和 from San Diego County’s L和scape Optimization Service, the project reduces water use by 80% 和 is projected to save 270,每年1000加仑.

Tarzana的 El Caballero乡村俱乐部, which is served by Los Angeles Department of Water 和 Power, was honored for redesigning its golf course to improve environmental sustainability. In collaboration with Southern California Golf Association 和 with incentives from Metropolitan, the golf course replaced cool-season turf with drought-tolerant, warm-season Bermuda grass that is known for its year-round playability. Additional improvements included installing high-efficiency irrigation equipment 和 vibrant, 低用水植物, helping to reduce the course’s water use by 33% 和 estimated to save 28 million gallons of water per year.

“These organizations are true leaders – they are examples of what can happen through innovation 和 a strong commitment to saving water 和 creating a more sustainable environment for our communities,大都会总经理Adel Hagekhalil说.

Metropolitan has funded more than 180 projects through its 节水奖励计划, 估计可节省1.每年50亿加仑的水. 该计划为商业公司提供资金, 工业, institutional 和 agricultural customers that make water efficiency upgrades to their facilities beyond Metropolitan’s st和ard commercial rebate programs. 它最多支付0美元.60 / 1,000 gallons of water saved annually through customized projects that are developed by each organization to fit its needs.

Metropolitan’s 草皮更换计划 has transformed more than 200 million square feet of thirsty lawns into sustainable l和scapes – saving enough water to serve about 68,每年000户. For more information on Metropolitan’s conservation initiatives 和 rebate programs visit


The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is a state-established cooperative that, 连同它的26个城市和零售供应商, 为6个县的1900万人提供水. The district imports water from the 科罗拉多河 和 Northern California to supplement local supplies, 和 helps its members to develop increased water conservation, 回收, 存储和其他资源管理程序.